I am cautiously happy to say that the weather seems to be turning warm and sunny and I can finally work in my garden. Cautious because we've had several false starts this year. Below is my "before" photo. Yes, it looks like this every spring -- my compost pile is 6 x 10 x 4 feet. Every year. It will be bigger this year, because I haven't been as good about tending the garden in the last two years with all the country hopping and haven't grown vegetables in 4 years.
One afternoon in mid-March, I cleared about 500 square feet of weeds for vegetables with the help of a rake, a mattock and a quart of lemonade my housemate made from the meyer lemons in the front garden. I also started seeds for tomatoes, basil and cucumbers. That night, the cold and rain returned with a vengeance and continued for the rest of the month, with a day or so let-up here and there. In the meantime, the cherry and paste tomato seeds sprouted unwillingly, angry that I'd forced them out into the cold. The Siberian tomatoes, which are supposed to do well in cooler climes never bothered to sprout at all! The cucumbers were decimated by snails the minute they sprouted. And apparently, the basil pot had coriander seeds in it!
See the seedlings above? This photo was taken 13 days ago. They still look like this, except there are fewer of them, because they hate me for drenching them in torrential rain and freezing them in polar winds. Luckily, I bought seedlings ready to plant from the nursery as insurance and plunked them into the ground, along with various bean, chile and corn seeds, on the first of April, one of the nice days. Below is Piglet standing next to the little chicken wire fence we put up to keep her and other miscellaneous critters from trampling and digging. In the foreground are beets and garlic my housemate planted last fall, and swiss chard that has volunteered itself for the last 15 years. I only bought swiss chard seeds once, but it's reseeded itself every year since then.
We have had four straight days of clear, warm weather and among the new weeds that sprouted during the last rain onslaught, I saw little bean sprouts! I am so glad that bean seeds are fairly hardy. These pole beans are an Italian variety that have a red pod when they go to seed. The bush beans have sprouted, but don't look quite as vigorous. No sign of the corn or chile, I think they might require another insurance run to the nursery for seedlings.
It feels good to be grubbing around the garden again. I seem to feel more "connected" with the food I eat when I've had a hand in being responsible for at least part of it. And I have to say although I enjoy the sorbet I made from strawberries I got from the farmer's market (red), I prefer the one I made from my oranges and meyer lemons (yellow).
Speaking of having a hand in growing food, my housemate is talking about chickens for fresh eggs. He got the idea because the neighbors have hens. I think that's too much like work! Has anyone here raised chickens?
Fallen Angel (ch41)
1 month ago
I gave up trying to grow my own seeds years ago, after experiencing everything you mentioned. It's so much easier to go to the nursery for what little we need! Our pasture grass here causes more work than we're willing to do at our age, so, as you know, I mostly just put tomatoes, peppers, and strawberries in pots. With the southern weeds, bugs, drought or too much rain, it is waaay too much work for what you get unless you're a farmer!
ReplyDeleteI'm impressed with all you're planning to do with the beans, etc. We had a huge vegetable garden back in the 70s that we inherited with a house we bought, with every vegetable imagineable plus grapes/raspberries/cherries. Best food we ever ate!
I'll look forward to seeing yours take off running here in the next month. Yes, there's just something about getting your hands in the dirt, and reaping the rewards of your work whether it's from flowers or produce!
And how did you make that sorbet? It looks delicious!
In an "average" year, it is easy to grow from seed here, Linda, since we don't typically have extreme seasons. This year has been unusual and challenging.
ReplyDeleteFor most sorbets, you just process, blend or mash the fruit and heat it with a little sugar. I use a potato masher, since I HATE cleaning my food processor. You can run it through a sieve to remove little seeds (strawberries, blackberries and raspberries) if you prefer, and then put it in an ice cream maker. Or if you're me, put it in a shallow bowl in the freezer and pull it out every hour or so to mix it. Some people just wait until it's frozen, let it thaw a bit, then scrape it. Use at least a little sugar, even if you're using a sweet fruit (you can offset that with a little lemon juice), as I think it prevents the sorbet from freezing too hard.
Funny how you seem to be in the same climate like we this year ... chickens, hm - my family had raised chickens for many years, usually about five to ten. But I am not sure I can answer any chicken-related questions ... you might try and I might ask my father. If no real chicken expert is around here ...
ReplyDeleteSounds like the Good Life!
ReplyDeleteI grew up on a farm. Chickens need someplace to roost and enough elbow room to peck and scratch at the ground and move around and do what they do.
ReplyDeleteThey also can make very affectionate pets, believe it or not. When I was a boy there was a little hen that would come and rest on my belly quite contentedly when I laid down in the grass. Just don't betray that trust like my step dad did when the hen disappeared and I realized later that we had eaten it.
All I can say is I'm glad it doesn't snow here (I hate being cold), Martina!
ReplyDeleteThe Good Life sort of reminds me of an American sitcom from (I think) the 1960s called Green Acres, AB. A couple from New York city move to the country and Eva Gabor plays the glamourous city girl.
My maternal grandparents apparently had a pig that my aunts and uncles named and cared for, Tim. One day, they walked in to dinner and saw pork on the table. According to my mom, there was a lot of crying that night.
kobico: Some British sitcoms were remade under a different name in the US, but Green Acres sounds different to the Good Life. The British escapees from the rat race stayed in their suburban home and a lot of the humour derived from their interaction with their snobbish neighbours who remained in the rat race.
ReplyDeletead Timoteo, lol - we had such a hen, too. It was huge and white and came running, sitting down in front of you, waiting to be petted. My father used to take the hen in his arms and walk around with the hen, showing the garden, visiting neighbours ... .
ReplyDeleteIn our area you also need to be aware of birds of prey, i.e. you need to build some roofing (netting, wires etc).
AB, I have to admit, the only British comedy I was exposed to when I was younger was Benny Hill, Fawlty Towers and Monty Python.
ReplyDeleteOh, good point, Martina. I had a student once who lost her bunny rabbit to a hawk.
Might be interesting: The It Bird .
ReplyDeleteOh no, chickens are trendy! Maybe I'll get ducks or geese instead.