On a happy note, my housemate started a new job as Technical Director at a local arts organization. I took him out for a drink last week to celebrate at a local dive bar, where the bartender poured a fairly generous shot of Jack for me, which I drank on an empty stomach (that's the recently-poured shot in the photo -- good thing I didn't order a double!). I was soon plastered, and completely oblivious to the conversation around me. Steven had to drive home.
My company is closing the Bay Area office at the end of October, and I will probably work from home until I finish teaching in Mid-December. And then? I have the option of moving first to the UK, and then possibly Paris with this company. But I am restless, and in a way I want to test myself. I am beginning a search for a new job in Europe to see what comes up.
And I have to admit I want to be closer to someone I think has the potential to be very special to me. A frightening prospect, considering we've only spent a total of one week together and I'm basing my opinion of him on a "gut" feeling. But the heart wants what it wants, and I need to follow where it leads, so I won't have regrets later.
I sent a "hey, I'm looking for a job far away from home and need suggestions" message to a third of the people in my address book Saturday night. So far, I received many words of encouragement, a few suggestions and an outright offer of help from a college friend who now works near Nürnberg, Germany. I may have a bunch of visa/work permit questions for him!
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