An Honest Scrap

It has been awhile since Olivia, that Rebel with a Blog, gifted me with the:

Honest Scrap

I am touched that she thought of me, and at the same time, at a bit of a loss for words. It's funny how easy it is to bare all in a standard blog post, but when someone asks you to share ten things about yourself, thoughts elude. I believe I am to reveal ten things about myself...

 1. I am naturally right-side dominant, but functionally ambidextrous because I'm lazy. When I was little I used whichever hand was closest to whatever I wanted to use. Okay, I still do that.

 2. My parents taught me too well the lesson that the only one I can truly depend on through thick and thin is myself, so I often self-fulfill that prophecy. My close friends are those who have seen me at my worst and still stayed around to support me. There are very few of them. In fact, I can count them on one hand and still have fingers left over. That's how bad I am.

 3. I have battled low self-esteem for as long as I can remember. Oddly enough, I also have high self-efficacy. This means that I don't think very much of myself in spite of the fact that I am confident in my ability to accomplish things. Yes, I think there's some relation between this and #2, too.

 4. I am often lonely, even when surrounded by people.

 5. I am painfully shy, and when I walk into a room full of complete strangers I have to force myself to smile and mingle. Sometimes I even feel that way when I walk into a room full of people I know.  I usually seek out other people who look uncomfortable, too.

 6. My grandparents' house overflows with family treasures and good memories, but I've always been happiest when I lived away from home in uncluttered surroundings.

 7. I used to dream about climbing K2 when I was younger, but the older I get the more averse I become to cold weather.

 8. The best moments of my life have occured when I shared the gift of time with someone special. Nothing elaborate, maybe a simple meal, some walking, and a lot of conversation.

 9. I always fall hardest for men I can't have. See #2 and 3.

10. I'm not a big eater, but I do appreciate good food. If I only eat half my meal but carefully store the leftovers, it means I really enjoyed it. If I generously share the bulk of my meal with my dog, I wasn't such a big fan.

I am supposed to pass the award on, however, I have such a limited number of people I follow that I'd be passing awards to the same people over and over and everyone would hate me. So instead I will say please feel free to peruse my reading list. Everyone there posts content that I enjoy in one form or another -- they are there for good reason.


  1. Congratulations on the award. I won't grab it since I already have one. Nice to see you around again. We could be twins, up until you got to the climbing part. LOL
    N. R. Williams, fantasy author

  2. Are those your 10 things or mine? I SO identify with all but #6. I thrive in clutter, sort of makes me feel neat :)

    I too, am still searching for job solutions and I'm on my last tier of unemployment. :( Oh well, at least we have each other. Blessings my friend and KUDO'S to volunteering. :D
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  3. Mountaineering can be a wonderful way to be, from a sensory standpont, both deprived and indulged at the same time, Nancy. The everyday sights, sounds, textures and smells are stripped away for something completely different.

    For me, clutter is too distracting, Jules. I always want to clear it, but I have nowhere to put it. And thanks, volunteering at this point gives me a reason to keep going.

  4. I relate to your list and see myself in so many of them. Is it hurtful to hear that I appreciated knowing someone else understands how it feels to lonely when surrounded by people? I mean no offense, but hearing that I'm not alone in that feeling gave me comfort.

  5. Not offense taken, Soccerbelle. Sharing our insecurities can be a way of facing them.

  6. Kobico, as the other women said, "it could've been me writing those things." And, yes, except climbing K2. Thank you, lovely lady, for sharing yourself with us.

    ~ Olivia

  7. Thank you for thinking of me, Olivia.

  8. A well-deserved award, Kobico. There are many points on your list that resonated with some thoughts I've been having about myself as of late.

  9. It's interesting, CM. As I reread this post, I realized that I had been dwelling on a lot of those thoughts too much this past year. I think that I am going to make a concerted effort to focus more on the positive this year. We'll see...
